Thursday 26 April 2007


The other day I received the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development's enewsletter, and was pleasantly surprised to see NLP mentioned . Many business people, and HR staff in particular, that we have met in the last few years have been pretty dismissive of the benefits of NLP, that's if they have heard of it at all. Even more surprising is the amount of coaches who reject it. You can't get away from the fact that NLP (like coaching) is an unregulated field and in many cases this puts people off. Plus it comes with a whole load of jargon, which some Practitioners like to hide behind.

Anyway, it turns out that the CIPD is now offering two NLP courses, one of which is coaching with NLP.

Although there are some Practitioners who actively cultivate the perception that NLP is a fringe activity, Jenny and I have always been convinced of its business benefits, and have used it successfully in many of our coaching assignments. We see it as an approach which you can easily incorporate into day-to-day life.

The fact that CIPD has 'accepted' NLP is the first step towards it being taken seriously by the business world. Three cheers for that!

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